30 Years of Serving Helena
1994 to 2024 - Where were you in 1994?

In 1994, when the Helena Area Community Foundation (HACF) was founded, I was an 11-year-old in elementary school, completely unaware of the importance of investing in our community’s future.
Back then, I thought stirrup pants and Beanie Babies were the keys to success, and nothing indicated that you were appreciated as much as a scratch-n-sniff sticker.
I never imagined that, 30 years later, I would be writing to you as the Executive Director of this very organization, which has grown alongside Helena in ways I couldn’t have predicted.
Helena has changed a lot since then—and so has HACF.
Today, as we look ahead to 2024, it's hard not to reflect on how much has evolved.
Gas prices have nearly tripled, the price of a stamp has more than doubled, and technologies like the internet, which were just emerging in the '90s, have transformed our lives.
But while some things are easily quantified, others are harder to measure.
Is our community stronger, more supportive, more resilient than it was 30 years ago?
I believe it is, though we still face challenges that demand our attention and action.
What will the Helena area look like in 2054? What challenges will we face, and what opportunities will arise?
While I don’t have all the answers, I do know this: With your support, we’ll be ready.
With deep appreciation,
Emily Frazier
Executive Director
Helena Area Community Foundation