Help Helena Glow
Sponsor the Downtown Flower Program for $50/basket
Sponsor the Downtown Flower Program for $50/basket
Help Helena glow by supporting the Business Improvement District's Flower Program
Do you love the look and feel of Downtown Helena in the summer? Help Helena glow by supporting the Downtown flower program. Businesses, organizations, or individuals who want to support Downtown can do so by sponsoring the flower program! As a sponsor, you help cover the cost of the flowers, supplies, and labor to keep Downtown a beautiful backdrop to your summer fun. To show our appreciation, all sponsors who wish to be named will be mentioned on BID social media posts and listed as a supporter of Downtown Helena on the BID website.
Flower Sponsorships are $50/basket.
The Helena BID’s Design Committee is currently planning for the 2024 Downtown Flower Basket season. We order the flowers from High Country Growers each year and they arrive downtown by June, remaining on display through September. Our community gets to enjoy these flowers all summer long, inviting folks to stroll the downtown shops or spend an evening out and about in Downtown Helena. Our sponsors are a big part of our success in continuing this program which brings joy to locals and visitors alike.
**Donations will be processed by the Helena Area Community Foundation, EIN 81-0536902. Donations are tax-deductible to the amount permitted by law.