On Monday 8/14/23, a fire at the Iron Front Building displaced approximately 30 residents. The fire was believed to be caused by electrical issues, and due to remaining electrical issues, the residents will be unable to return to their homes for an undetermined length of time.
The Tri-County COAD, United Way of the Lewis and Clark Area, the Helena Area Community Foundation, Red Cross, and Salvation Army as well as others groups, are all working to support these residents.
Funds to support the Iron Front Building residents are being collected by the Helena Area Community Foundation and will be distributed to the residents and/or the organizations providing support to them in this time. Financial support can be donated here, or by sending a check to the Helena Area Community Foundation at 901 N Benton Ave, Helena MT 59601. Please note "Iron Front" support with any mailed checks.
The Tri-County COAD is coordinating donations of other items, and information about what is needed and where to donated will be shared when that information is available. Thank you for your support of our community members!
**In the event that more funding is received than is needed to address this emergency, donations will be saved in a restricted fund for future community emergencies.